THE MAGIC OF Budapest and “the station OF A DREAM»
Award-winning cartoonists Pavel Egorov and Sergey Kotov, owners of the prestigious DIA award for achievements and innovations in contemporary art and winners of numerous animation festivals, visited the International Children’s Creative Camp, NucKids. Their mission was to create unique video installations for the musical Go and See. Pavel Egorov describes the process behind the captivating visuals: “Our challenge was to create something impressive very quickly. How do you create a high-quality video when all you have are plastic straws and kids? Easy! Just cram as many straws and kids into the frame as possible! Finding the right location was key. We needed a specific angle – a bird’s-eye view – to create the most visually impactful shot. Luckily, we quickly found a tall building on the campgrounds, perfect for our needs. We got the work started. We set up our equipment about 40 meters high, securing the projector, camera, and computers. Down below, we arranged lighting and a dark background for the projections. Then, for several hours, we worked with the children to create various formations, all captured by the overhead camera. The most demanding part was the post-production. We applied visual effects and added various animations to the footage using computer programs. This process took us several days and required a lot of effort, but in the end, we were very pleased with the result – the visuals turned out to be quite original. We enjoyed being part of this project. Working with the children was a pleasure. And we hope the musical is a success!”