Castings in Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Glazov
The final casting will be held in Moscow on May 19th, 2011 at the address: 24 Bolshaya Ordynka St. (the main building of the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation), conference hall. Time of the event: from 9:00 to 18:00.
You can access the building of the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation from the central entrance. To enter the building, you must provide passport data (or a document replacing the passport) of all participants of the event and their accompanying persons (surname, name, patronymic, passport number and series, when and by whom issued, division code, registration address).
This information is a confirmation of participation in the final casting and should be sent to by 18:00 on May 13th, 2011. Together with the passport data it is necessary to indicate the company delegating the candidate and the approximate time of arrival of the participant at the casting site.
All participants should have a printout of the fully filled out application form of the participant of the NucKids 2011 Project with a photo attached. The full version of the application form can be downloaded at: (download link at the bottom of the page). This requirement concerns all participants of the final casting, even those who have already filled in the application form at the regional selections.
Registration of participants will be carried out in the lobby of Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation.
To participate in the final casting, all candidates for the project participants need to:
1. Introduce themselves: for example, “My name is Vasya Ivanov. I live in such and such a city and study at such and such a school. I like music and dancing” – briefly, in Russian and in English.
2. Perform a modern song that has been in the top ten charts for the last five years (it may be in English). For the applicants who dance, it is desirable to combine the song performance with dancing (if it is rap, then it should be from the repertoire of top Russian rappers – Kasta, Basta and others).
Those participants, who just dance, should perform their own original dance (in a free manner, but using at least 10 different movements or those seen from the links).
Single Ladies – Beyonce
Justin Timberlake – Cry Me A River
Black Eyed Peas – My Humps
Gwen Stefani – Hollaback Girl (Clean Version)
3. Performers with only dance or musical talent should also prepare a short monologue, a poetic work – a poem to demonstrate their artistic capabilities to the jury.
The results of the final casting will be announced on the project website within two days after the event.
If a candidate was given an individual assignment during the regional auditions, it must also be prepared.
For more information, please call +7 985 4270777 or e-mail: