Yes, that’s right! Nuclear Kids, indeed, visited one of the best circuses in Moscow today, where they could not only have fun, but also learn a lot: acrobatic performances and modern ballet were just on top (both literally and figuratively). Choreographer Maxim Nedolechko talked to the kids about the understanding of dance, its energy and importance for an actor at the morning show of young talents. So the today was a dancing day for the gifted “atoms”!
Castings are not new for Nuclear Kids, but it is the first time they have a purely dance show. Improv is the choreographer’s favorite word! Maxim Nedolechko offered each of the kids to dance a small piece of improvisation under the composition offered to them (you could only choose a certain tempo and style of music). “So far I’ve only been shooting in”, – Maxim shares his impressions. – “His conclusion is as follows: all the children are amazing. All of them are dancing! This makes me so happy!”. No matter what they say, Nuclear Kids today gave out thousands of kilowatts of energy: the atmosphere, the support of a smiling teacher, the desire to “speak out” in dance form – all this helped to create an amazing drive and vibrant picture. “We, indeed, made a show!” – shares the impressions of Vlada from Sarov. – “It’s so cool when you feel the support of the audience, their applause: immediately the uncertainty goes away”. “Yes! agreed Nadya from Polarnye Zorya.” – Everyone is clapping and helping! After all, it is so scary to come out without preparation and immediately start dancing!” The choreographer, on the contrary, wanted to convince the “atomic” children that there is nothing to be afraid of, they should just go out, dance and have fun. Besides, experimenting on stage is very useful: as acting teacher Tatiana Solntseva says, “all actors should get used to improvisation, because it’s where life is! Only by existing on stage, as in reality, without templates and memorized words, the actor will interest the audience”. I think exactly the same rules work in relation to the dancer.
Having finished casting, everyone in the talent country NUCKIDS gathered for lunch, and then went to the circus. All according to the rules: “Bread and games!”. As for the entertainment, the jubilee program for the 40th anniversary of the Circus on Vernandsky Avenue was also a kind of workshop. Acrobatics and juggling aces, trainers and magicians, aerial gymnasts and dancers – all demonstrated not only remarkable mastery of the techniques of their “profession de fois”, but also impeccable skills of acting. What was only one performance of the lion tamer, who was smiling confidently throughout the whole performance one-on-one with 7 (!) lions. I wish the same composure to the talented “atoms”, although I hope that this time it will not come to the lion’s jaws. There are 24 days left till the premiere of the musical…