Art designer, scene shifter
And not even one, but four. Taras, Sergey, Vasily and Amarkhuu from the Russian boys band Prime Minister came to Nuclear Kids to talk, to teach them professional skills and… to give presents! What a start of the day!
But, first, the “ministers” got acquainted not with the Nuclear Kids themselves, but with their “nuclear” creativity. Young “atoms” prepared a whole exhibition called Draw a Star, where they tried not only to depict their idols, but also the emotions they felt when they were on stage. And the star guests had a difficult task: to choose the best works to reward the artists with gifts. But the “ministers” coped! Thus, the prizes (CD of the band Prime Minister, calendars and a large fun puzzle with the image of Boris Moiseyev) were awarded to Raul from India for the incredible Michael Jackson, Margarita from Ukraine for the work Creativity, Anya and Lisa from Kurchatov for Patrick from Spach Bob and Justin Bibber.
Actually, right after the Prime Ministers gave CDs to all the other kids as well, because they impressed them with their diverse talents. To get to know each other better, Taras, Vasily, Sergey and Amarkhuu offered the children a worthwhile trade: if Nuclear Kids want their idols to sing, they should at least show what they can do themselves. The girls, not thinking long, performed the song called Girls, which they had just learned for the musical. The uplifting message, great lyrics and beautiful voices have melted the hearts of the guests. Well, how can one not believe these young singers who sing: “Oh, girls, everything will come true and everything will work out by itself, / Because we’re together, / Because we’re beauties!” Sergey even said, that he got goosebumps from such a performance!
However, no matter how good the vocals were, a song was not enough for the “strict ministers”, and they asked the children to dance as well. The “nuclear” talents immediately demonstrated the Captains’ Dance, which they learned yesterday from Maxim Nedolechko. This made the guests fall in love with the children. In response, the “Ministers” sang their famous songs with children The Girl from the North, Don’t Die, Love! and Two Diamonds, and also just had a heart-to-heart talk. One valuable tip was how to concentrate before going on stage. The stars said that they stand backstage, one by one, like musketeers, put their hand on each other’s arm. At this moment there is a concentration of forces and a whole blob of energy is formed, which helps to make the whole concert amazing. I think Nuclear Kids took this method to heart. What did the Prime Ministers learn from the kids? “When we saw these children,” – Sergey shares, – “the first thing that came to mind – that all the rumors about the spoilt younger generation is complete nonsense. These kids are so friendly, cheerful and talented! When you look at them, you want to live, love and create!”. The main thing is to stay kind and work hard, which Nuclear Kids do with truly “atomic” energy. There are still 22 days left till the premiere of the musical…