NucKids continues its journey! We’re heading to Udomlya!
To be more precise, rehearsals at Et Cetera, one of the best theaters in Moscow. After the extravaganza premiere in Ershovo, the “atomic” actors set off to win the capital and are now preparing for the performance with tenfold energy.
“What to prepare for, everything has been already done!” – the average person will wonder. But we know that a new scene in the actor’s environment is a special event, requiring a carefully thought-out “hijacking”. “Of course, the most important thing is that we have reached this point – says Dmitry Bikbaev, the director of the production. – And we reached it very successfully! Now the main task is to readjust ourselves to work within the walls of the Moscow theater literally in a day. Frankly speaking, it is difficult even for professionals!”. Let’s sort out all the difficulties in turn. According to Zhenya from Ukraine, “the size of the stage is approximately the same as in Ershovo”, and, according to Nastya from Kurchatov, “the stage is very comfortable, cozy and with a good special coating for dancing”. What is the difficulty then?!
First, let’s present the acting teacher Alexei Kostrichkin’s metaphysical version. “Each scene is like a musical instrument, it keeps the aura of its owner. In our case, these are emotions, experiences, echoes of the roles played here by the actors. And if you are on a new stage, you must first accept its aura, “get along” and “absorb” its experience, and this takes time”.
The second version is more prosaic, but just as important for the young “atoms”. “In any case, each scene has its own peculiarities and layout,” Dmitry Bikbaev explains with a smile, “so we need to reassemble the scenography, “geography” and lighting design. Everything here is from scratch, so I definitely won’t have to sleep tonight!” Nevertheless, the director adds that “there is absolutely no reason to panic, everyone is doing their job and in the end everything will be awesome!”. We must say that Nuclear Kids are not afraid, they are absolutely delighted with the theater and are looking forward to tomorrow’s performance. “Very beautiful theater and hall, with such cozy and romantic balconies!” – rejoices Nastya from Kurchatov. “And what a comfortable dressing room! – complements her friend Vlada from Sarov. – The light is so good there!”. “It’s just like home here,” say the “nuclear” girls in one voice. And for a real actor it is very important, because every scene should be a home for him or her. Attention, there are only hours left before the premiere of the musical in Moscow…