NucKids dispatch an agent to the Yolki movie!
Dear friends,
Summer vacation has started and it is time to prepare for our big summer performance!
You can see that we will have very little time for the production, so for the first few days our director will be assessing what you prepare at home. Here is what you need to do:
1. Prepare an excerpt from one of the works listed below and perform it.
For older girls: any passage (a few paragraphs) from The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.
For older boys: any passage (several paragraphs) from Lord of the Flies.
For younger boys and girls: any passage (a few paragraphs) from Peter Pan.
Link to download all books:
You can choose ABSOLUTELY ANY passage you wish and it should be event-driven, i.e. something should happen in it, e.g. Peter teaches Wendy how to fly, or the pirates capture the children, or the children on the island fight, etc. The main thing is that it should not be very long (a few paragraphs at most).
2. Prepare a musical piece from High School Musical in your choice of English or Russian. For those who does not know what it is –
Download links:
High School Musical. Part 1
Phonograms and English version –
Russian version –
High School Musical. Part 2
Phonograms and English version –
Russian version –
High School Musical. Part 3
Phonograms and English version –
Russian version –
From all this variety, you need to choose ANY song and prepare a verse and a chorus from it.
I pay your attention, if you have any problems, you should not get upset, and you should just try to do it. If it does not work out, that is okay. However, I wish you could do it!
As always, I am glad to answer all questions by phone +7 985 4270777 or by e-mail
Please remember that the production director Alexei Frandetti is a member of our team and is ready to talk to you in case of any creative questions.