Regional selection in Yekaterinburg
The participation of the Russian stars in the
international children’s art project «Rosatom» «Nuclear Kids» as teachers or
guests is a tradition. But this year, the boys are especially lucky. Legendary
Italian singer Robertino Loreti came to them, whose voice is considered the
standard of children’s singing. The master answered on the questions and gave a
few valuable advices.
Robertino Loreti reputation peaked in the early years,
when he was almost the same age as the participants of the «NucKids». And this
information boosted the interest. They asked the artist about a start of solo
career and the secrets of success. And Vlad Grashkina and Leo Suslov
demonstrated that, despite the age difference, they are familiar with the works
of masters. The boys sang the famous “Santa Lucia” in Russian, and
Robertino maestro were accompanied in Italian.
After that, Mr. Loreti was sharing the memories from
childhood, telling how he started singing for the first time at the age of
five, told about the post-war summer camps for poor children in Italy, which can’t
be comparable with the “Orlenok” and revealed the secret why the
Russian public is the favorite for him.
“The Russian public, the Russian people have known
me and loved even before I had learned about the existence of Russia and the
USSR. Of course, I love all the fans, but Russian … They are real “- says
At the meeting, at the instance of a singer director
Alexei Frandetti, Loreto gave some advice to the children of «Nuclear Kids».
One of them, which is the most valuable for novice singers, not to sing on bundles
and not overwork.
“Well, since we are in a children’s camp, then
another advice. You can’t sing just right after swimming and football “-
smiles Loreti.
It was absolutely obvious that despite the age,
Robertino Loreti perfectly understands children.