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The fifth anniversary international children’s creative project “Nuclearkids” started on the 7th of July in Hungary – the Russian and foreign participants met in Budapest.
Children have to become a big friendly team to put on a professional musical only for three weeks. What can bind children better than bright impressions? That’s why the first event, that was prepared for “NucKids-2013”, was the excursion through the capital of Hungary.
The age of Budapest or the math is powerless
“The pearl of the Danube”, ” sun city” with broad avenues – there are so many names for one of the most beautiful European capitals. But according to the guide’s words, despite its beauty and greatness Budapest had to fight for the honour of being the capital of Hungary, unstable Hungary has changed six capitals – Szekesfehervar, Estergon, Buda, Vysehrad, Bratislava and Vienna.
In the history of Budapest there have been so many peripetias as in the history of Hungary – this city was ruled by the Romans, Huns, Turkies and only in the 9th century it was passed on to the Magyars.
– Who are they?- the children asked the guide and were surprised to hear that the inhabitants of the country, in which the project “NucKids”‘ll stay for a month, have this name.
The children got one more task – the age of Budapest.
-The city was divided into three parts. Obuda, the old Buda is 2300 years old, Buda is 700 years old and Pest is 2000 years old. Now you should answer the question: how old is Budapest?
-5000 years old! – the children tried to guess, having proved that the perception of something beautiful isn’t always combined with the logic.
-It’s actually 140 years old, – the guide smiled and it became clear that it’s impossible to try to understand Budapest logically. You should just enjoy it.
Dreams of new roles and the best marzipan in the city
During the excursion “NucKids” visited the Castle Hill, the Heroes’ Square, the Fisherman’s Bastion, from which you can have a gorgeous view of the Parliament building.
While the newcomers of the project were taking pictures, the experienced participants of “NucKids-2012”, who last year went to Budapest during their performance tour, were looking not only for great shots in the Fisherman’s Bastion.
-The Hungarian marzipan is the best marzipan in the city, – the guide said.
-I’m completely agree with this, – Vlad Tashbulatov, who played one of the main roles in the ” Station “Dream”” last year, declared on the way to the museum of marzipan.
His last year colleague Egor Kashcheev and he walked through the well-known places and were really glad not only to spend some time in sunny Hungary, but also to enjoy the atmosphere of the world’s best project.
– I was looking forward to “NucKids”, to these bright incomparable emotions and children from the last year. And of course new friends! It’s really great here! – Egor said.
To get into this project Egor went to Murmansk from his hometown Polarny Zori.
Trying to convince the jury of his deserving to be the “NucKid” for the second time, he wasn’t nervous at all. “I think you should set yourself a goal and then trying to reach it and don’t be afraid of anything!”
“But when they asked me, – the participant remembered, – to act some role from my repertoire in the children’s theatre, I just couldn’t remember anything except the role of a snowman for the morning performance. So I acted it. But I could have made a better choice: I’ve played a buffoon in the Shrovetide and Pushkin when we put on ” Eugene Onegin””.
Egor’s dream is to display his acting talent in the musical this year. Soon he’ll get to know whether he gets a part or not – in a few days all the participants will go through one of the most important tests in this project – casting for the roles in the musical.
The children will get to know, how the creative group’ll divide the desired roles among them, in the city Keszthely – it’s a wonderful Hungarian city that will be a home for “NucKids” for the next three weeks.