Opening night in Sarov
Dear friends!
Here is the schedule of the International children’s
art project “Nuclear Kids 2015”.
July 4, 2015, Saturday – meeting of the participants
of the project in St. Petersburg (airport, railway stations, independent
arrival), check in at the “Cronwell Park” hotel (Repino)
July 5, 2015, Sunday – excursion to St. Petersburg. In
evening – beginning of the rehearsal
July 5 – July 27, 2015 – Preparation of the musical
July 28, 2015, Tuesday – musical premiere in St.
July 29, 2015, Wednesday – departure to Novovoronezh
July 30, 2015, Thursday – hotel accommodation, acquaintance with the scene,
July 31, 2015, Friday – rehearsal and musical premiere
in Novovoronezh
August 1, 2015, Saturday – departure to Moscow, hotel
August 2, 2015, Sunday – flight to Budapest (Hungary),
tour to Budapest (Hungary)
August 3, 2015, Monday – departure to Paks (Hungary),
August 4, 2015, Tuesday – a rehearsal of the musical
in Paks (Hungary)
August 5, 2015, Wednesday – musical premiere in Paks
August 6, 2015, Thursday – moving Paks – Vienna
(Austria) – Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic). Stop and tour in Vienna (Austria).
August 7, 2015, Friday – rehearsal of the musical in
Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic)
August 8, 2015, Saturday – musical premiere in Ceske
Budejovice (Czech Republic)
August 9, 2015, Sunday – tour to Krumlov (Czech
Republic), moving to Prague (Czech Republic), hotel accommodation
August 10, 2015 Monday – tour to Prague (Czech
August 11, 2015, Tuesday – departure to Moscow from
Prague (Czech Republic)
August 12, 2015, Wednesday – rehearsal of the musical
in Moscow (Theatre “Et cetera”)
August 13, 2015, Thursday – musical premiere (theater
“Et cetera”)
August 14, 2015, Friday – musical premiere (theater
“Et cetera”)
August 15, 2015, Saturday – Farewell Party
August 16, 2015, Sunday – departure of participants of
the project
For any questions: +7
985 4270777,, Pavel Pronin.