We are starting to accept applications for VOLUNTEERS/COUNSELORS/EDITORS
International children’s creative project of the State
Corporation “Rosatom” Nuckids 2015, which started July 4, 2015 in “CronwellPark”
hotel in Repino near St. Petersburg, entered the active phase. In seven years
it became successful and recognizable. Every year more and more children of
nuclear industry workers want to become its members. This year’s competition
was on average 12 people per seat. As a result of a rigorous selection the most
motivated and talented atomic children went to the project.
Every day from early morning until late night serious
work boils on the training grounds – choreography, scening, voice setting and polishing.
Children are under the guidance of experienced mentors: the director Vladimir
Karabanov, choreographer Maxim Nedolechko, vocal coach Elena Ustimenko, teacher
of acting skills and stage speech Natalia Gorbas – they give rise to another
masterpiece, a musical, whose script was wrote by Vladimir Karabanov. This is a
story about a boy, Igor, who was always interested in the writings of the
English scientist Ernest Rutherford, the founder of nuclear physics.
Inquisitive mind of Igor is so passionate about the theory of the atom, that he
eagerly absorbs everything that is connected with it. He leaves his home,
family, and going to get on a ship to England, where he wants to meet with
Rutherford himself and ask him a lot of questions. During the story Igor will
pass through complex tests, which did not break him, but only hardened. As a
result, he did not get to Rutherford, but studied a lot in homeland, and after
a while the whole world knows about the great Soviet physicist Igor Kurchatov –
the father of the Soviet atomic bomb, the author of a large number of
discoveries and scientific works. With the help of the talented children by the
musical language authors want to convey to the audience the key message: for
the children’s inquisitive minds a whole world is open, multi-faceted and
colorful, full of achievements.
Participants of the project work in a friendly
atmosphere from the very first days. Not only children, but also a team of
creative and administrative group is most mobilized, because only three weeks are
set for the preparation of the musical, and then – the tour! By the way, the musical
premiere will be held July 28 at the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre in
St. Petersburg! So creative holiday on the shores of the Gulf of Finland
continues. And we will closely monitor developments on the project Nuckids
Artem Myakinkov,
especially for www.nuckids.ru