Getting ready for action: Scenery and Costumes
There is a superstition among the theatre actors that the second
performance turns out to be an uninspired one as a rule. And nobody can explain
properly, why. May be the actors have not enough time to move beyond the
success of the previous performance and just relax? May be it is just an ill
fate? In
one-way or another a lot of those who are working in the arts agree with this
But the NucKids project participants are not frightened by the
superstitions. And the audience praised the second musical performance “Just
summer rain” that took place in Sarov!
From the early morning the young actors were accompanied by good
luck: to wake up in a flower, warm and sunny city, to have a delicious
breakfast and to start altogether for the rehearsal. Up till the first spectators
begin to come into the theatre hall the project participants were mastered
their art skills in order the Sarov inhabitants that welcomed they like the
musical and leave theatre in a happy mood.
The second performance let the tutors to change the actors and to give
another children a chance to play in the musical. For those young actors who had no possibility
to show their actor’s talents in Saint Petersburg, the show in Sarov was their
finest hour. There were Eva Alekseeva, Lera Esina, Irina Silina, Fyfstasia
Shevlyagina, Ilona Naumova and so on who played the main characters for the
first time on the stage of Sarov.
«The opening night of the
musical performance in Sarov was cool! For me personally to play in this
performance was more responsible than in Saint Petersburg because here I played
the main character. This character is an episode one but it is bright and unforgettable: I played the metropolitan girl with a
small dog. My stage partner is a small
dog-named Volik of Pomeranian breed.
He was obeying and even took my orders. He is a pet of Angela Doronina the
NucKids participant who lives in Sarov.
I played at my best and I
liked my playing. And the most important was that the audience liked my playing
Eva Alekseeva, 13 y.o.,
For some participants the second performance became more important and
responsible than for the rest of participants. We mean the participants for
whom Sarov is a native city. There are Angela Doronina, the twin sisters Irin
and Anastasia Shevlyagin, Saveliy Patsoula among them. There were their
parents, relatives, teachers, friends and classmates in the hall. They were
eager to see the level of arts achieved by them during their participation in
the NucKids 2017 project. For our nuclear actors from Sarov it was important to
them to open up to them their new side.
seemed to me that we really inflamed the audience of Sarov! To my point of view
we could not play in such a way in Saint Petersburg. We really understood how
to play exactly during the second performance. Of course we were nervous.
Mostly my sister and me were because our parents, relatives and friends came to
the theatre specially to see us! But when the first notes of music began to
play the shiver had gone away and it was changed by the adrenaline and the mad
wish to go to the stage and to win the audience!”
Shevlyagin, 14 y.o., Sarov
But what should we do with the superstition about the second
performance? The project tutors know the theme. Because a lot of them have been
working in the art sphere for a long time and have produced not a single
performance. But the NucKids project became an exception again. The nuclear
actors have proved on their own that they can disprove this theatrical
superstition. The audience is delighted and the actors’ progress in the second
performance can be seen with the naked eye.
often happens in the theatre that the second performance used to be worse than
the first one. But In Sarov our young actors managed not only to play good but
they have outdone themselves. In Sarov they were superior to in Saint
Petersburg. They got ready and transferred the energy of a nuclear bomb, really
nuclear energy. I was in the wings and every 5 minutes I got creeps. Today the
NucKids actors were rise to the occasions I hope that we can manage to keep
this high level of acting for the future”.
Simonov, the tutor for drama skills
In a word we have blown up Sarov! The project participants filled the
audience with their energy which we hope would stay forever a in the
spectaculars hearts.
Leo Souslov,
Specially for