The premiere in Ekaterinburg
Dear friends, we always trying to diversify the content
to you, our dear readers, it was interesting and informative. Meet new format –
diaries project NucKids 2018. With their help you will learn how are normal
working weekdays our atomic artists. Without bills and embellishment. Life –
like she is!
“Our day passed just super! We together played the
game “Helicopter”. The essence of the game was to find out of our
group leader. They told me some interesting and funny story of my life, but we
stayed only wonder. For example, my group leader Oleg Golikov have traveled
with his family half of America! Or here, Danya Usov once managed to sleep on
the beach. Very cool when it turns out to know our team leaders, our older
sisters and brothers at the time of the project closer”.
Eva Goryunova, 11 years, Angarsk
“Yesterday was some very loaded. Was another casting
on the main role. I had one of THE main role – Angel. I have there even
words-that no, but samples still was. My character whole scene sitting, and
then gets up and carries on the hands of the main character. And that’s what I
gave the job our teacher at the acting skills Sasha Nikolaev –to come up with a
plan of all of the day, the routine my Angel. I am very responsibly came to
this issue, all night sat and up. But he my casting was that I had to raise the
main character, Lomonosov, on hand. Called Danya Gnezdilov, I raised, and they
said, “All! Super! The role – your!” I imagine it’s a little not
represented, but still’m glad I got the role”.
Roman Usov, 16 years, Angarsk
“This day I remember that we finally finished to do
the first dance room with our choreographer Max. This is the first room in the
musical, that is it happens when the curtain open. In this room we a little go
crazy. We do such a beautiful pair of cords. Dance turned out very cool. But
from Max other and not expect. He is very positive people, very fun and joyful.
He somehow very quickly born ideas dancing. Here he only has brought music, and
through 10-15 minutes we already starting to do our history. So I also
Sveta Tolstuhina, 13 years, Angarsk
The participants of the project NucKids,
Specifically for