Contests Winners

We already have the results of 3 contests!

Welcome winners:

Vasilina Afonina became the winner of the contest #напутивnuckids with her hilarious video (You can find her video below). First in the team-building game Rope Course was team #4, which coped with all the tasks within the time, showing teamwork and creativity! Also, as you remember, in the very beginning of the project we held trailers contest for NucKids musicals.

Recently the administrative and creative group of the project summarized the results of this competition and announced the winners in different nominations.

The winners are:

The Best of the Best – Freedom Bunker

The Most Touching – Dream Station

The Most Spectacular – Us

The Most Intriguing – Lomonosov’s Roll

The Most Creative – 21st Century Dreamers

The Most Captivating – Just a Summer Rain

The Most Dramatic – In the Beginning Was the Word

The Most Atmospheric – Ask Rutherford

The Most Up to Date – A creative video from our foreign participants.

Congratulations to everyone!