Information about the selection in St. Petersburg
Dear friends,
We missed you terribly! And we were wondering if it was time for us to get together. We have Nuclear Industry Worker’s Day coming up. Let’s meet September 20th to perform at the State Kremlin Palace for a Gala Concert on September 23rd.
Those who wish to take part – FILL IN THE GOOGLE FORM (this also applies to counselors and volunteers)! The offer applies to anyone who has participated in previous years.
Let’s get started!
P.S. Here is the plan: arrival – September 20th, performance – September 23rd, departure – September 24th.
We are looking for 10-15 participants from Moscow, who will come to rehearsals and performance, and 10-15 participants from the other cities, who will stay in the hotel.
P.S.S. Please be informed that by the time of arrival to Moscow, each participant must have a negative PCR test result not older than 72 hours!
We look forward to your submissions!