August 15th
Only a month has passed since the end of the summer session of the XIII International Creative Project for Children Nuclear Kids, and the participants are getting together again! The reason for the meeting is a concert dedicated to the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker. Every year, the NucKids gather in September to perform with pop stars and congratulate nuclear industry employees.
– We were really looking forward to the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker! As soon as they started accepting applications, Egor and I immediately rushed to submit them, because the summer showed us what true friendship should be. The Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker is a unique event, because we not only can perform on the same stage with the stars, but also talk to them backstage. We would love to talk to Dmitry Guberniev, to see Lube and Polina Gagarina, and we hope that we will be able to take pictures with them. (Egor Ivashchenko, Kirill Ivashchenko from Kurgan).
This year the concert was held in the Great Hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In just two days, under the guidance of choreographer and director Maxim Nedolechko, three pieces were prepared. The NucKids together with the Lobachevsky Academic Choir of Nizhny Novgorod State University opened the event with the Rosatom Anthem, performed the songs Daddy and Mommy with Igor Krutoy and Atomic Love with the band Uma2rman.
Dmitry Guberniev is the permanent host of the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker. He has seen all the performances of NucKids, so we decided to ask his opinion about our project:
– Dmitry, you already have an annual tradition of hosting the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker, and every year our NucKids perform at it. What do you think of ROSATOM’s young talents? (Nikita Ivanov)
– First of all, I am grateful to the State Atomic Energy Corporation, because every time it is a kind of a proficiency check. So I want to thank ROSATOM for the support and love. As for NucKids, well listen, these children are growing up in front of my eyes, incredibly professional. My child is 19, yesterday he was 5, time flies very fast, but I look at young, beautiful, talented girls and they tell me “10 years ago we were very young in NucKids”. I’m a huge fan of your project. The beauty, bright faces, the intelligence of our country, all these are our children – NucKids. Go NucKids! (Dmitry Guberniev)
In addition to our young talents, Russian pop stars took part in the concert: Polina Gagarina, Dmitry Bilan, Pelageya, Emin, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Larisa Dolina, the band Lube, Valery Syutkin and many others.
A special event for all the children was the performance with Igor Krutoy, People’s Artist of Russia. The song Mom and Dad became a real centerpiece of the holiday, because each of the project participants dedicated this song to their parents.
– After participating in the Nuclear Kids Project I certainly came closer to this world of “Atoms”, and I would like to wish the nuclear workers, first of all, health, as well as love, happiness and success in your difficult work. (Merzlyakova Elizaveta from Moscow)
The band Uma2rman, members of the Nuckids Project and the choir of the University of Nizhny Novgorod were closing the concert. All together they performed the song Atomic Love by the Kristovskiy Brothers.
Vladimir Kristovskiy, the lead singer of Uma2rman, shared his impression about the project participants.
– It’s not the first time you perform with the NucKids. How do you like the children and do they cope with the task? (Nikita Ivanov).
– We are very happy that it all happened. The kids sing and dance very cool and the song Atomic Love was completely transformed thanks to them, so we are very grateful to the participants! (Vladimir Kristovskiy)
– What advice would you give to our participants? (Nikita Ivanov)
To keep it up and never stop no matter what. Sing, dance and have the best time of your life! (Vladimir Kristovsky)
The next day, all the participants of the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker returned to their hometowns. However, do not get upset about the separation, the new reason for meeting is coming up – a Winter Tale, where in just one week we will need to stage a full-fledged musical performance. And if there are reasons to meet even earlier, we will definitely let you know!
Stay with us, stay with NucKids
Nikita Ivanov Project Editor-in-Chief