Since last Friday, all Nuclear Kids have turned into “Secret Friends,” and an era of gifts and pleasant surprises began in the Land of Talents. Each “atom” received thousands of signs of attention and adoration from an unknown, but very friendly Mr. or Mrs. X… Nevertheless, all the most secret secrets sooner or later become known… What happened when the Nuclear Kids recognized each other as their admirers?!

Today in the afternoon the cherished names were revealed. However, what kind of secret revelation would it be without a magical ritual? To begin with, all the young talents formed a circle – the most shamanic form of lining-up. And then, one by one, they began to talk about the incredible and amazing things that had been happening to them lately. They were surprised and made guesses: “Who is the cause of such fantasy?” So Lev Ilyich (from Seversk) shared with the Nuclear Kids the strange transformation of his own room. All items in it were decorated with notes from the “Secret Friend”. “Lev Ilyich sleeps here!” was attached to the bed, “This shines for Lev Ilyich!” said the inscription on the light bulb, “Lev Ilyich lives here!” adorned the entrance door to the nuclear Lyova’s apartment, who had no idea who could have created such a wow-thing. The Nuclear Kids were genuinely surprised when Zhenya from Ukraine revealed the secret, confessing to his design impulse. “I would never have guessed,” says Lev Ilyich, “that it was my roommate Zhenya! He seemed to always be around… In general, it’s a very interesting and fun game! Everyone gets a paper with the name of a person to whom you become a “Secret Friend” and secretly make all sorts of surprises to make them happy!”

The teacher-supervisors of NucKids say that this game format brings the team even closer together and also triggers a powerful burst of creativity. “They’ve used up all the colored paper that the counselors had stored over these days!” exclaims Inna, a teacher-supervisor. “And all the tape! They were constantly drawing, cutting, composing, and gluing! Of course, the “zest” of the game is in maintaining the intrigue. Who is my secret friend? – the kids beat their heads over building thousands of versions and guesses!” Kristina from Novouralsk says that the main virtue of the game is not in the intrigue, but in receiving gifts. The most pleasant thing for her is making surprises for someone herself. “You prepare a gift and wait…” Kristina shares. “You watch from the side: did they like it or not, were they surprised or not?! For example, when even the paper ran out, I took cotton pads, sewed them together, and wrote a positive message to my friend with a make up pencil! It was so cool!”

I think such gifts will be remembered for a long time by everyone in NucKids, and the children will start the most important acting task – the musical Bunker of Freedom – with renewed energy. After all today production director Gulnara Golovinskaya is conducting serious run-through of the entire first part of the “nuclear” show. Thousands of acting secrets are revealed here, including the secret of the “sunny” conversation that the director taught Chio and San. “If you speak as if you’re sending sun rays,” Gulnara tells the kids, “the whole hall will shine from you, caught by your positivity!” A positive attitude is an important thing in any act. Especially when there are only 8 days left until the musical premiere…