What is the Nuclear Kids Project?
Nuclear Kids is an International Creative Project for Children of ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation, established in 2009.
Every summer, 70 talented boys and girls, children of employees of Rosatom enterprises from all over Russia, as well as their peers from other countries, gather together at the rehearsal camp and spend three weeks staging a professional musical performance.
The script and music for the musical are original and written specially every year. In 2009 the production was called Nuclear Kids, in 2010 the project participants staged the musical Go and See, in 2011 there was The Bunker of Freedom, in 2012 – Dream Station, in 2013 – We, in 2014 – Labyrinths of Childhood, in 2015 – Ask Rutherford, in 2016 – Imaginers of the XXI century, in 2017 – Just a Summer Rain.
Who works with children to create a musical?
Famous directors, composers, choreographers and professional teachers work together with children to create the musical. During the existence of the project Lolita Milyavskaya, Elena Kiper, Dmitry Bikbaev, Juliana Donskaya, Alexei Frandetti, Valeria Lanskaya, Kirill Kuzin, Vladimir Karabanov, Maxim Nedolechko, Pavel Safonov and many others have cooperated with the Nuckids.
Where is the rehearsal camp of the project?
The location of the rehearsal base varied in different years. Preparation for the project took place in the Moscow region, in the All-Russian Children’s Center Orlyonok on the Black Sea coast, in Keszthely (Hungary) on the shore of Lake Balaton. Recently, the project camp was located not far from St. Petersburg on the picturesque shore of the Gulf of Finland in Repino village. In 2018, the project hosts are planning to change the location of the preparatory event. Various options are being considered.
The musical’s staged. What’s next?
After the staging process, which lasts more than three weeks, the project goes on a big tour. Over the eight years of its existence, the project participants have shown performances not only in Russian cities such as St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Sosnovy Bor, Sarov, Volgodonsk, Zelenogorsk, Kurchatov, Tomsk, Yekaterinburg, Zheleznogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Novovoronezh, but also in Ukraine (Kiev), Hungary (Paks, Keszthely, Kalocsa), Czech Republic (Prague, Brno, Ceske Budějovice), Slovakia (Bratislava), Vietnam (Hanoi).
Who can take part in the Nuclear Kids project?
Participation in the project is open to children of employees of Russian nuclear enterprises aged from 11 to 16 and also to the residents of the ROSATOM host cities.
How do I get on the project?
You need to:
А. By February 20th, 2018 send a preliminary application to the email address with the following information:
Please note that in 2018, a prerequisite for participation in the project is the availability of a foreign passport, the validity of which should expire no earlier than April 1st, 2019. The passport shall be issued and received no later than May 15th, 2018.
We need preliminary applications in order to determine the cities for regional selections. The reasoning is as follows: the more preliminary applications we receive from a city, the more likely it is that the regional selection will be held in that city.
What should I do if the regional selection is not held in my city?
In this case you can take part in the online selection by sending the necessary materials by e-mail. Please find the full information about the start of the online selection on our official website
How does regional selection work?
The regional selection takes place in the form of an interview, in which you need to show your skills in the field of vocals, choreography and acting. Additional skills (playing musical instruments, knowledge of foreign languages, etc.) are welcome. The timing of the candidate’s speech is controlled and should not exceed 5-7 minutes.
How much does it cost to participate in the project?
PARTICIPATION IN THE PROJECT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. Parents or the sending organization only pay for the travel to the starting point and back home, as well as the costs of the necessary documents. All other costs are covered by the project hosts.
Where can I find out more information about the project
Official website – /
The official VKontakte group – .kids
Official Facebook group –
NucKids on Telegram –
NucKids on Instagram – /
NucKids official Odnoklassniki group –
I have questions about the project that have not been answered yet. What should I do?
You can always write to the email address or call +7 499 9494369.