St. Petersburg — we are coming!
Tonight, the participants had the chance to introduce their hometowns and make a first impression on the creative team. In an improvised concert, they presented their “homework” – personal introductions that helped to give the teachers a glimpse into how each participant felt on stage. “The stage demands dedication and self-confidence. Not everyone can perform as well in front of an audience as they can during rehearsals or with friends. It’s a completely different experience. An independent audience is very demanding and won’t tolerate insincerity,” explained Tatiana Rodina, the stage speech teacher. But their concerns were pointless. All the participants were just on top and performed their best talents. “You were the best!” exclaimed Max Nedolechko, the project’s choreographer, impressed by what he saw. “I admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, but now I see that these kids can handle even quite a complex choreography. I think it will be very easy to work with them “Indeed, the choreography was truly fantastic. The performance by Lesha and Yana from Seversk alone proved to the teachers that all the participants were serious and ready to face any challenge. When the CD with the music for their duet refused to play, they brilliantly performed their dance to the applause of the audience, demonstrating an incredible sense of rhythm. Alexander Polyakov, the vocal coach, assessed the participants’ singing abilities: “I see enormous potential in these kids. Of course, there are some areas that need serious work, but with their enthusiasm, I don’t think that will be a problem. They will succeed!” The teachers also noted the remarkable organizational skills of Evgeny Pykhtin, who assembled his own vocal group, called The Dumplings, right during the concert. The performances by the guests from India and Bulgaria were vibrant and unique. Their original dances, performed in national costumes to a song about an elephant who dreamed of becoming Michael Jackson, created a real sensation in the hall – the Indian participants received a standing ovation. As for the Bulgarian trio, their performance was filled with their infectious charm. Victor first demonstrated a short fragment of a national dance, then they improvised together to the Bulgarian rap hit Palatka (Tent). Their energy was so contagious that the audience couldn’t help but join in their crazy dancing right on stage. “Pa-pa-pa-palatka!” everyone sang in unison, “Pa-pa-pa-palatka” Looking at them now, it was hard to imagine that they had met each other for the first time yesterday. If earlier in the day they were just a friendly team, by evening they had definitely become one big, happy family.