Children of employees of nuclear enterprises in Russia and other countries aged 11-15 who speak English are invited to participate in the project. The format of participation in the open casting is arbitrary (during an individual interview, the candidate can offer the project creative team a solo performance at his or her discretion). The technical possibility of audio accompaniment is provided in the venues of open castings. To participate in the regional open casting, all candidates must fully fill in the application form of the NucKids Project participant.
The electronic version of the application form can be found at:
Application forms are accepted on the day of the regional casting in the form of a printout with the obligatory attachment of two photographs of the candidate (full-length and portrait) and in electronic form on any medium. If desired, audio and video materials of the candidate can be added to the application form. The content of audio and video materials is arbitrary (song, dance, participation in a theatrical production, etc.).
Technical requirements for the electronic version of the application form: Microsoft Word format, photos – jpg, at least 2000 pix, size – at least 500 Kb. The file name must look like this: Last name of the candidate, name of the candidate, City Example: Ivanov_Alexandr_Zarechny Technical requirements for audio recording: format: mp3, bitrate: at least 128kb/s, size: no more than 8 Mb. The name of the file should look as follows: Last Name of Candidate_First Name of Candidate_Candidate_City_Song Title. Example: Ivanov_Alexander_Zarechny_On the Bank of the Sky.
Technical requirements to the video: the video shall be made in the most readable quality, but not exceeding the size of 40 Mb. Timing of the video: no more than 7 minutes. Formats: mp4, avi, mov. Audio and video materials are not returned and reviewed. The organizers of the selections reserve the right to use the received materials for the purposes related to the NucKids Project. Forward any of your additional questions to , tel.: +7 985 4270777