The regional casting of the NucKids Project 2011 took place in Voronezh
For reasons beyond our control, we will not be able to hold the event in the building of Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation. However, the option we have come to is much better and more interesting. The final casting of the NucKids Project in Moscow will be held on May 19th, 2011 in the Lecture Hall of the Engineering Building of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Due to the fact that the venue has changed, the beginning of the event is postponed to 10:00 o’clock. It will last until 20:00 (or until the last performer). After you talk to the selection team, you will be given the opportunity to visit the Tretyakov Gallery and see the exhibition for free.
DIRECTIONS: From the Tretyakovskaya metro station: go out into the city, turn left, go to Bolshaya Ordynka Street, cross it at the traffic light, then walk along Bolshaya Tolmachevsky Lane to the turn to Maly Tolmachevsky Lane. Turn there, walk a few meters and on the right side you see the entrance to the Lecture Hall of the Engineering Building of the State Tretyakov Gallery. It is joined with the entrance to the Church-Museum of St. Nicholas in Tolmachy. At the entrance there is a sign ENTRANCE TO THE CHURCH. This way. You have arrived at your destination. From the Novokuznetskaya metro station: go out into the city, go left along Pyatnitskaya Street, then cross the road at the first traffic light and continue to the right along Klimentovsky Lane. Go to the Tretyakovskaya metro station. The further way is described above. Just in case, here is the traffic scheme attached. If you get lost or have questions, please call: +7 985 4270777. See you soon!