Dear friends,
To your attention below are the answers to the most important questions about the NucKids 2011 Project.
WHERE AND WHEN? – International Creative Project for Children NucKids 2011 will be held from July 11th to August 21st on the basis of the Ershovo Camp (exact ADDRESS – Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Ershovo village). A separate building is allocated for accommodation of the project participants.
WHO ARE THE PARTICIPANTS? – The project will involve children of employees of nuclear enterprises from Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, India and Vietnam.
WHERE AND WHEN WILL THE MOSCOW PREMIERE TAKE PLACE? – The Moscow premiere of the project is preliminary planned for August 18th and will take place at one of the main venues of the Russian capital.
WHERE WILL THE TOUR OF THE PROJECT TAKE PLACE? – Now we are negotiating with the official representatives of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam about the tour in this country. Preliminary the tour is scheduled for the 10th of August and will take place in Hanoi.
1. Russian passport or Birth Certificate with an insert of Russian citizenship. (If the child is older than 14 years old, the passport is obligatory)
2. Foreign passport (obligatory!)
3. Mandatory medical insurance policy
4. Notarized consent of both parents for the child to travel to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam from August 1st to August 21st as part of a group led by the project’s Head Teacher Vyacheslav Amosov (Passport series 2202 № 322181 issued by Bolshemurashkinsky Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Nizhny Novgorod region on August 26, 2002. Subdivision code 522-024).
We have extended the dates of stay because negotiations with the host country are still ongoing and we cannot give you the exact dates of your stay in Vietnam.
5. Medical certificate according to the form is required to stay in a children’s camp. If the child has any chronic diseases (allergies, asthma, etc.), please make a copy of medical records or somehow bring this information to the project hosts.
6. A certificate to go to the swimming pool.
WHAT DO I NEED TO WEAR? – Assume that the project will start at the beginning of July and end in August. It is usually quite hot in the Moscow region in July (we hope that the extreme temperatures of last year will not be repeated) and quite cool in the evenings at the end of August. Take this as your starting point. Also, there is a swimming pool in the Ershovo campground. To visit it you need all the necessary attributes (swimsuits, cap, etc.) For dance classes you need comfortable sports clothes and shoes (dance classes are held in a parquet hall).
WHAT CELL PHONE SERVICE IS AVAILABLE? – All “Big Three” operators are well received on the territory of the Ershovo camp. However, we strongly recommend you to buy a Moscow SIM-card for your child in advance. The project hosts will not do this.
CAN I TAKE VALUABLE THINGS WITH ME (video camera, phone, camera)? – Yes, you can. But please note that the project hosts are not responsible for their safety. Moreover, all teachers are forbidden to take children’s belongings for safekeeping.
HOW WILL SECURITY BE ORGANIZED? – A 24-hour guard post will be organized at the entrance to the residential building. Access to the building will be by pass only. The whole territory of the Ershovo Camp is under 24-hour surveillance.
HOW WILL CATERING BE ORGANIZED? – Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) are served in the Ershovo Camp. It is organized according to the “Buffet” system.
IS IT POSSIBLE TO COME TO VISIT MY CHILD OR TAKE HIM/HER FOR A WEEKEND? – It is possible to come. You can get to the Ershovo Camp from the Zvenigorod station or from the Golitsyno station by bus No. 22. Ershovo is the final point of this route. It is not allowed to take children away from the project site. We are responsible for each of them. Besides, it is highly undesirable to distract a child from the creative process. If any unforeseen circumstances arise – the issue will be solved on an individual basis.
HOW WILL THE MEETING OF THE PARTICIPANTS ON JULY 11 AND THE SEEING OFF ON AUGUST 21 BE ORGANIZED? – On July 11 we will meet the project participants at airports and railway stations in Moscow. For this, you need to provide us with information about the time of arrival, train station (airport), train (flight) number, rail car number, name of the accompanying person and his/her phone number by June 24th to the e-mail address . If you will be getting to Ershovo Camp on your own, please note that check-in will not start before 15:00. And even in this case it is necessary to inform about the approximate time of arrival to the above mentioned e-mail address. On August 21st in the afternoon we will leave for Moscow. We will make additional arrangements about the bus stops. Most likely, these will be the main railway stations and airports. We will answer all additional questions by phone +7 985 4270777.