On the way to NucKids
Wisdom and worldly experience convince us that the first step is always troublesome. Here at NucKids we decided to prepare for the important business in advance, and before the Moscow premiere at the Et Cetera theater, to hold one more premiere at the recreation center in Ershovo.
From the very morning “nuclear” actors polished their roles, prepared costumes and carefully thought out their image from makeup to hairstyle, so by lunchtime they were already in full combat readiness. “I’m already very excited, – shares impressions Dasha (Zelenogorsk). – I am waiting for everyone to give their best!”. “Yes, yes, – agrees Thuyet from Vietnam. – It’s no longer scary, but, on the contrary, it is fun! The main thing is to believe in yourself and then everything will work out!”. However, there is still a little nervousness among the artists, because during the rehearsals, even the most ideal ones, some flaw will slip through: a decoration box will fall down, someone will turn off the microphone, the outfit will get stuck in the props… But at the premiere everything should be as good as possible! “Oh, I want everything to go smoothly! – says Dasha, -That none of the kids laughed backstage (the audience can hear everything), that there were no sound overlaps, no one got confused in the words… Although, I’m sure that everything will be great, and the audience, directors and the actors themselves will be pleased!”. Such confidence for the actor is a necessity, because you’ll get out only what you put into it. As they say in the play The Bunker of Freedom “the thought is ma-te-ri-al!”.
It seems to be absolutely true: the mood of the “atomic” actors was incredible, and the premiere turned out…no, not even amazing, but even better! Nuclear Kids hugged and cried with joy, and the audience was delighted and in one voice said that it was absolutely unbelievable “that ordinary children play in this musical, and not promoted “stars”. Such voices and movements!”. It should be said that the children in NucKids are not ordinary, but golden, or rather – “atomic”, that’s why the musical turned out with such an exciting energy. “It was so cool, I want to watch it again and show it to my friends. It was not a children’s musical at all”, – Dima, who is on vacation in Ershovo, shares his emotions. And we only need such impressions!
Well, Nuclear Kids’ first step turned out to be flawless. We only have to keep it going like this on the Moscow stage. There is exactly one day left till the premiere of the musical in Moscow….