The tenth anniversary NUCLEAR KIDS 2018 PROJECT has begun!
The wave of their “atomic” energy was transmitted to all the viewers who were lucky enough to get to the popular Moscow theater with the mysterious name Et Cetera at 19:00 today. It was on his stage that the long–awaited premiere of the children’s musical Bunker of Freedom took place – a real show of “nuclear” talents!
Nuclear Kids have been preparing for the premiere non-stop for a whole month. It seems a miracle that children have created a grandiose stage program in 30 days, and even at a professional level! We can only say that NucKids is the land of talents, where miracles come true!
However, the “atoms” themselves could fully believe that the miracle had happened only at the very end of the performance… Or rather, when they saw the audience giving them a standing round of applause! “The hall felt cozy and warm, – says Lisa from Kurchatov. – We felt comfortable and very confident”. “Yes, we heard a lot of clapping,” agrees Anya (also from Kurchatov). – It helps a lot, because in the beginning it was not at all comfortable, and then it became so nice from this applause that we did very well!”. It is not for nothing that famous actors say that sometimes “the performance is good because the audience is good!”, because it is the audience, which can both destroy the actor and inspire him.
Nuclear Kids got lucky with the Et Cetera audience, indeed. “I really enjoyed the performance, – shares Ulyana from Vietnam. – The first excitement made me think that I would forget everything, but we were met so warmly, that everything went just great! When the curtain closed, everyone was hugging”. And Ulyana is right: as soon as the curtain was closed, the “nuclear” actors, covered with flowers and bathed in applause, suddenly began to hug and…cry! Why tears, if the performance was a hundred percent success? “It’s just that we then realized that we made it! – smiles Lisa. – And the tears that the kids had after the curtain closed were tears of joy and victory! We did it!” Indeed, perhaps every premiere should end with tears of joy.
By the way, all star “atoms” received the same excellent gift for their outstanding performance – stylish watches with the emblems of NucKids, which will remind about the wonderful creative time spent together. However, the “atomic” children should not relax, because there is one more performance waiting for them, another premiere, only in the East… There are exactly 5 days left till the show of the Bunker of Freedom in Hanoi (Vietnam)!