“NucKids is awesome! NucKids is cool! It’s the most exciting time of our lives!” – the young “atoms” say every day. And they also organized a real art event: a flash mob, where they opened their hearts to NucKids… “Careful. It’s explosive!” – such a slogan would fit for today’s party best. The creativity of the “nuclear” talents is stronger than TNT, at first the kids wanted to dedicate four big paper boards to their favorite project, but they were so excited that they arranged a real body-art. Vadik Moskalenko had an inscription “NucKids Forever!” on him, Vlad from Sarov and Vishnu from India had “I Love NucKids”, and Zhenya from Ukraine painted a whole composition called “I’m all smiles:)” What did the other “atoms” create? Vlad appeared in the image of Harry Potter, a movie which the kids watched all together 2 weeks ago. Natasha from Sosnovy Bor and Thuyet from Vietnam and Rita from Ukraine helped the others in body-art with their painting skills. Lev Ilyich, as befits his status, was only slightly embellished with watercolors, and strictly monitored the level of positivity in the creative ranks. I must say, the young artists were super committed and used all stocks of visual materials of the creative team – markers, felt-tip pens, watercolors, pencils and even crayons. While the well-known JRomeo, also called Sasha Nikolaev, decorated the paper board with a fancy graffiti. Of course, our young talents know that the main thing in NucKids is friendship, that’s why they, standing in a row, with this word assembled from the letters drawn on their palms. “To everyone who is upset,” I remembered Marina’s words , “I always say that NucKids is all of us together. Without just one person, things would have gone very differently, not the way they are now. We are all part of a whole!”. After all, this is what the “nuclear” talents proved today, writing the words “Friends Forever!” on the poster. Thus, the project has become a centralizing force, uniting cities and countries with the strongest ties in the world: with love, friendship and creativity. It was the last day of the “atoms” in the Ershovo vacation home, where they stayed for a whole month and created a grandiose musical-drama project – the Bunker of Freedom. Tomorrow “NucLand” changes its location: the “nuclear” talents fly to Vietnam. There are 4 days left till the premiere in Hanoi…