Final preparations for the tour
for not theater world man it is obvious that the last days before the premiere is
the most important and stressful period for both actors and for the director.
Especially if the troop is consist of non-professional actors, especially if
the artists are children. Especially if the play is preparing not for
six months but for twenty days. About the specifics of the project «NucKids», the
lessons, drama shifted emphasis and career prospects of participants will be
our conversation with the producer of the musical “The station of a Dream ” Alexey Frandetti.
The ACTORS are CHILDREN but the requirements are as
for Adult
– Alex, «Nuclear
kids» is the solution of non-standard problem in non-standard conditions. How
would you formulate the specific of the project in the year from the point of
view of the director of the musical?
Key Features of the project are very complex musical
material, deadlines and non-professional actors. I am as director must take
into account the physical abilities of children, for example even if I would
like to rehearse at night it can’t be done with child. The play is special by
the numbers of participants. So, on the one hand, we have children under whom
it is necessary to adjust the rehearsal process, on the other hand, it is a
very ambitious story.
– Will you evaluate the
quality of performances after the premiere by taking into account the age of
the actors and the short time of preparation? Or requirements will be like to
My work with children is different from working with
professionals only in one: professionals I would not ask to take water and wear
panama on rehearsal. In all other aspects I and my team are working with them
as with adult artists. And quality requirements will be appropriate. The main
roles are playing adult children, many of whom are planning for the next year
to enter into dramatic universities. Some of them I would personally recommend
to colleagues or take on “Mosfilm”. And there they would be required
no less than here. So that’s why I want that the project «NucKids-2012″ will
not only be “Wow, How cool summer I have had!” but also that they would
have learned something here.
Children are singing, dancing,
drawing and … changing the SCENARIO
– Alex, you are not only the
director of “the station of a Dream» but also the author of idea. The main
characters are not so heroic characters as heroes but more heroes of life
circumstances. It was made on purpose?
Musical is a massive genre. And heroes should be close
to the most of the audience. That’s why we took the most recognizable types and
implemented them into our history. On the other hand, we will be only one in
the Russian musical theater, who will show a positive hero in a wheelchair. And
I’m very proud of that. Not humiliated and insulted but cheerful and the leader
of a company. Fortunately, the singer of this role is a good actor, so
everything should work out.
– In the plot young people from the closed cities are going to
Moscow. You grew up not in the capital and know what it means to conquer it.
How many yourself in these characters.
I guess a little part in everyone.
I was making my way through too. But I entered into Moscow Art Theater School
from the first time. I was going through hospitals and trying to get references
to the military office. Therefore, each character has a small part of me. Well,
except Svetka, I think. She’s very
funny, only interested in the iPhone, shopping and glam. But meanwhile she is
good and very bright person. She presents the central idea: the main is not
where you are, but who you are.
However, the
musical called “The Station of a Dream» and there is a feeling that the
guys are perceiving the story that a dream will come true.
Performance is a real action so during
the production of the play accents can be shifted. We have a strong act about
dreams, which is loved by children. And when we named the musical “The Station
of a Dream» the content became unambiguously. We are not just producing the
play. We are realizing a creative project. Guys are dancing, singing, playing;
their drawings become part of the scenery. So I decided if they would become
co-writer in some sense, it would be great.
Moscow has
much to offer to ambitious young children from the provinces, who decided to
become an actor. What participants of the «NucKids» can give to Moscow?
From my personal experience, I can say that some of
residents of the capital are not very nice people. They are cold, cynical: the
city makes an impact. And Moscow must have some warmth. This is happening all
the time with the arrival of new people. And if any who are involved in this
project, will stay in the capital, it will only benefit her, because they are
not spoiled. And if they could keep this charm, I believe: everything will be
– What prospects
do you think «Nuclear Kids» have? Does the
format of the project is viable, talking about professional performance?
The project is becoming better and better every year.
I think next year it would be even more complex scenario, with a lot of main
characters. Perhaps we should try to make two-hour show with two acts. As for
the format, it is quite professional. That’s how many of the Western theater companies’
The next
question we usually ask the guys, but I want to hear the answer from you: What
have you learned from the project?
Work in a large team, in large format and in a large
rehearsal space. And what’s more to smoke and swearing less. It is prohibited
to swear in front of children, and smoking on territory of the “Orlenok”
too. This is a big problem – I became healthier and kinder. Now you have to
figure it out how I need to live with it.
Natalia Gubareva, specially for the “NucKids”