The Work Begins
Do you know what the Sunday morning on the Balaton means. Lazy waking up in the comfortable bed, delicious coffee that is steaming on the sunny terrace of the hotel, interesting book and speculations during the light breakfast.
But forget this immediately – because this way of spending time on the Balaton is for lazy ones! The true tourists get up at 7a.m., eat their sandwiches in the bus and then rush for new adventure. This is how the participants of the project “NucKids” spent their Sunday.
Peace and quite on lake Balaton
The excursion began with the visiting of the Tihany peninsula; the Yaroslav the Wise’s daughter and the spouse of the king Andrew 1, Anastasia gave the name to this place. “Oh, my God, it’s so quiet here!” – she said, disembarking from the ship. Since then, according to the legend, the peninsula and the abbey, that was built on it, has been bearing the name “Tihany”.
Having admired one of the most beautiful panorama of the Balaton in Tihany, “NuclearKids” went to the dolls museum that was founded in 1994. Its founders have collected the unique collection: the rare exhibits of this collection are dated back to the century before last.
The children didn’t only see the toys that the great-grandparents of their Hungarian coevals played with, but they also got to learn a lot of new things about the national costumes that many “residents” of the museum are wearing.
-It’s cool, but at the same time very scary,- Idil Köker from Turkey said to her friends. – We remember our performance with the puppets.
-“Of course we’re children!”,- the girls started to sing.
Having bought the presents for their close people, the children went to their most favourite place – the amusement park.
Flights, greetings, delight
“Are we going to fly?”- Melisa Kaboglu asked cautiously, having looked at the four rope-ways. They had to fly,crawl, mince and run during the obstacle course. Of course they were safely fastened, in hard hats and with insurances.
Everyone chose the route according to the level of difficulty. Artem Titov went with Dimitar Dimov from Bulgaria through all routes.
-Dimitar, stopin,- Artem said to his friend that he shouldn’t come down the rope right after him.
-Go, go,- the boy answered him in Russian.
-Hello mother! hello father! – Ylyana Mazurina was giving regards to the camera from the other route.
-Idil, how are you?- Kirill Makuhin asked.
-I completely agree with you.
“It’s NucKids!”- someone shouted from the highest bungee. The participant from Hungary Bence Horanyi made it clear for all guests in the amusement park whose group is the best one.
To gypsies!
The loud children went to the lunch-concert after the amusement park. One of the best Hungarian gypsy ensembly performed the Russian and Hungarian national songs.
When the tune of the Hungarian national dance – Csardas began to sound, Tatyana Kern, the coordinator of the project from the Hungarian party, asked Kirill Novikov to dance. In 2 minutes everyone was dancing.
“Oh, so great!”- the children were laughing, alternated the movements of Csardas with the elements from the Russian folk dances.
“Oh, I wish we have it more often,”- Pavel Dmitrienkov said. -It’s a pity that Sunday is only once a week”.
7 days are left before the premiere of the musical “We”.