About the castings

Information about the regional selection of Russian participants of the International Creative Project for Children Nuclear Kids 2014.

General information

The sixth International Creative Project for Children Nuclear Kids will be held in July-August 2014. The project operator is the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Nuclear Industry Information Center commissioned by the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation.

The Nuckids Project is designed to help create and strengthen friendly ties between children of employees of Russian nuclear enterprises and enterprises of ROSATOM’s foreign partners, develop new traditions of children’s creativity, broaden children’s outlook, and popularize nuclear industry among the younger generation.

The result of the joint work of kids from different countries will be the production of a musical, which will premiere at leading concert venues in Russia and abroad.

You can find out about the project:

– on the official website at www.nuckids.ru,

– in the official VKontakte group http://vk.com/nuclear.kids,

– in the official Facebook group http://www.facebook.com/NucKids

Children of employees of nuclear enterprises in Russia and other countries aged 11-16 are invited to participate in the project.

Regional selections of the NucKids Project will be held in March-April 2014 in the cities where ROSATOM operates.

The format of participation in the open regional selection is random, in the form of an individual interview. The timing of the interview is regulated.

To participate in the regional open selection all candidates should fill in the application of the NucKids Project and submit it in printed form. Please note that since 2014, at the request of supervisory authorities (Roskomnadzor), the hosts of the project are obliged to provide consent to the processing of personal data and a statement of participation in the project immediately. We ask your parents or your legal representatives to fill in these documents and submit them in hard copy during the selection process in your city. All electronic forms can be found at: https://vk.com/doc-27812802_281797325, https://vk.com/doc-27812802_281797305, https://vk.com/doc-27812802_281797269

In addition, you can provide audio and video materials on any media. The content of such materials is arbitrary (a song, dance, or theater production, etc.). Materials will not be returned and evaluated. The hosts of the project reserve the right to use the received materials for the purposes related to the NucKids Project.

Please note that you must have a foreign passport, which expires not earlier than December 2014, to participate in the NucKids 2014 Project.

 If you are unable to participate in the regional or Moscow selection, you can post the necessary presentation materials online. To do this, please leave a fully completed application form on the official website of the project at http://nuckids.ru/apply (website section SELECTIONS).

Conducting regional selection.

The selection is conducted in the form of an individual personal interview. Please note that regional selections are held without the participation of parents or creative advisors of the candidate.

 During the interview, the candidate should show his/her skills in the following genres:

  1. Vocal. Performance of any modern song in Russian prepared in advance or proposed for performance by the participants of the casting team. The song may be performed under a phonogram, but the candidate has to be ready to perform it without musical background.

*Please note: we evaluate the candidate’s vocal data rather than a staged piece, so the performance may be stopped at any moment.

  • Acting skills. Retelling of a proposed literary excerpt in your own words.
  • Choreography. Improvised dance to a proposed soundtrack.
  • General questions. These include knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to play musical instruments or any other talents that the candidate did not show during the main performance.

Attention! The total duration of the individual interview with each of the participants does not exceed 7-10 minutes, so please be prepared that members of the selection panel may stop the candidate’s presentation. Please be aware of this fact. The creative team (the author of the project idea, director, and choreographer, vocal and acting teachers) will make the final decision on the candidates’ participation in the project, based on the video recording of the individual interview and reviewing the submitted application forms and materials.

Find the information about NucKids Project on the website www.nuckids.ru or by phone +7 985 4270777, +7 499 9494746; e-mail: pronin@nuckids.ru