Trailer for the musical A Star Will Shine
On April 2nd, the regional selection of the VI International Creative Project for Children Nuclear Kids took place at the site of the Nuclear Energy Information Center in Yekaterinburg. The participants were gifted children of employees of Beloyarskaya NPP and Elektrokhimpribor Plant in Lesnoy.
This year the participants of NucKids auditions in seven Russian cities joined the Easter Joy campaign of the Charity Foundation Big Heart by Arguments and Facts newspaper. The goal of the project is to help raise money for the treatment of Veronika Bandenkova, who suffers from cystic fibrosis, a severe hereditary disease. At the Ekaterinburg center, Vladimir Shakhrin, leader of the Chaif music band, and Oksana Slesarenko supported the campaign and Andrey Smirnov, silver medalists of the 2014 Paralympic Games in wheelchair curling, honored masters of sports of Russia.
The children, adults and honored guests together with the students of the Yekaterinburg Art School enthusiastically created their masterpieces by painting Easter eggs. The Paralympic medalists admitted that they had not held brushes and paints in their hands for a long time, unlike sports equipment, but, seeing the excitement of the kids, they started painting and turned wooden blanks into a wonderful hare and a golden egg.
“I see that the kids are making cool, gorgeous crafts. I am glad they not only sing and dance, but are willing to help their peer. On my artwork, I wrote “Nika. Hope. Love” with a positive message that Veronika will get get better with the support and love of all the kids,” said Vladimir Shakhrin. “Let everything be the way you want it to be” – a line from one of the most popular Chaif songs also decorated the Easter egg that Vladimir Shakhrin made especially for Veronika.
The children also got a great pleasure from the joint creativity. Kristina Dubkova, who has been participating in the NucKids casting for the second year, said that she will remember the communication with the stars at the Nuclear Energy Information Center for a long time. “Andrei and Oksana’s silver medals were a great success for the country, and for us they will serve as an inspiration for excellent performance today and reaching new heights in the future,” she said.
Anton Titov, a participant of NucKids 2013, presented the famous guests with watches, as well as branded T-shirts and sweatshirts of the Project, which they immediately tried on. Vladimir Shakhrin tied a hoodie on his belt, explaining that he, as a rock musician, was more used to wearing it this way.
Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation will sell the collection of Easter eggs created in Ekaterinburg at the auction. All money raised from the sale of children’s handicrafts will be donated to the Big Heart Foundation to purchase a vibration jacket for Veronika Bandenkova.
NucKids is the International Creative Project for Children of the Communications Department of the ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation, which annually brings together talented children of nuclear industry employees from Russia and Rosatom’s foreign partners to stage a bright musical show. The project aims to strengthen friendly ties between children of nuclear industry employees from different countries, develop creative skills of talented children, and popularize nuclear energy among the younger generation. The project operator is Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Nuclear Industry Information Center.