FIRST RUN: the teachers Applaud
The third day (7.06.2014)
It was amasing day! We had evening event to know each other better, every person could show his talent, and it was very funny! At the end we got a surprise from our leaders, the game “What? Where? When?” With Konstantik Ruder, he is our senior counselor! Then we sung the hymn of Nuckids and danced full of positive emotions.
“Nuckids is our home, where we play, make friends, love and live”
We sung all together. The project unied us and our hearts. The most important that we become closer to each other, like we have been friends for five years already. And it’s cool! Thanks a lot Nuckids!
The fourth day (8.06.2014)
The swimming pool that chills and breakfast in the morning, it’s nice especially with friends. But after we are having voice casting, and all children are nervous! We are waiting in a queue and playing, so it’s our turn, we enter the room and Svetlana greets us…
To be continued…
Arina Kilivnik, a participant of “Nuckids 2014”