Rope test
Dear friends, this message concerns the participants included in the main list.
The Czech Consulate has confirmed the list of documents required for obtaining a visa.
All those who have already issued a foreign passport must send a package of documents to the address: 24 Bolshaya Ordynka str., Moscow, 119017, Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation, Communications Department, D.A. Sosulnikov by June 14, 2015.
For those who have a passport submitted for processing, the deadline for sending documents is June 28.
The list of necessary documents for obtaining a visa to the Czech Republic:
1. A valid foreign passport, the validity period of which must be another six months after the end of the trip (ORIGINAL).
2. Two photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm. Color photos on a white background, a full face (see Photo requirements – ). (ORIGINAL)
3. A certificate from the place of study on the letterhead of school with the seal and signature of an authorized person. (ORIGINAL)
4. A copy of two pages of the parents’ internal passports (photo spread and registration page) (COPY)
5. A copy of the birth certificate (even for those who already have a civil passport) ( COPY). If the one of the parents has changed his/her name (surname, patronymic) after the issuance of the child’s birth certificate, it is also necessary to provide the document(s) confirming this fact: a marriage certificate, a certificate of change of surname, first name or patronymic.
6. Original and notarized copy of the parents’ consent to take their children abroad from the Russian Federation and consent to legal and other actions to submit a set of documents to the Consulate of the Czech Republic on the territory of the Russian Federation for visa processing from 01.06.2015 to 27.08.2015. (See the example of consent to take the child abroad – Note: The consent text must be filled in completely on one page (ORIGINAL AND NOTARIZED COPY)
7. The completed questionnaire (see The questionnaire for traveling to the Czech Republic – ) (ORIGINAL)
8. Application for obtaining a Schengen visa. Note: You do not need to fill out the application, but you must sign it in the 4 specified places (See the example of an application for a Schengen visa – , THE APPLICATION itself – ). (ORIGINAL)
9. Medical insurance for the period of stay abroad (issued by any insurance company) from 01.08.2015 to 12.08.2015 (ORIGINAL)
10. In case the child has an incomplete family, it is necessary to provide the following documents (ORIGINAL):
а. Documents confirming that the mother/father is the only parent.
b. Documents confirming that the location of the father/mother is unknown.
c. A copy of the death certificate of the father/mother.
Please send all the above documents by express delivery of business correspondence by courier mail service provided in your city.
One of the participants did not get to the project because the documents did not arrive on time. If possible, it is better to personally hand the documents maybe with your acquaintances (many people have business trips or some other errands in Moscow).
Phone number for inquiries +7 499 949 4746, Denis Sosulnikov.
Recommended correspondence delivery services:
Garant post-express delivery: /
EMS Russian Post –
Pony Express –
FedEx –
P.S. If you ALREADY have a multiple-entry Schengen visa, which will be valid at the time of our departure for a foreign tour, please inform Denis Sosulnikov and send a scanned copy of it to . Please note: the medical insurance for the duration of your stay abroad is STILL NECESSARY.