Nuclear Kids 2013: everything is serious
The musical Ask Rutherford is reaching its final stage. Posters have already been put up. The less days are left until the most important moment, the more the heat rises on the training ground. The premiere will take place on the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg on July 28, 2015 at 19:00.
So far, the participants have been improving their skills in acting and singing, perfecting scenes separately, and now, on the eve of the premiere, the kids have begun to bring the scenes into a whole. It is important that each member clearly understands the sequence of their actions to avoid mistakes. Failure in the game, even one member of the team, can cause an uncontrollable chain reaction. On stage, as in real life, everything is subject to certain laws, which are prescribed by days of exhausting training. The lawmakers on the project are a creative group consisting of respected mentors. The laws of the stage must be followed strictly, and otherwise you cannot achieve success. It is much more difficult to demand compliance with these laws from children, with their spontaneity and independence. However, atomic children are as focused as possible and ready to work for results. Youthful enthusiasm with the right target, works like magic, which is proved by the experience of the Nuckids Project. It is necessary for each artist to perform flawlessly, carefully monitoring what is happening on stage – the change of music, vocal parts, scenery, light, shadows, going out and going backstage, the play of the other participants. That is why the children run the scenes repeatedly until the director says “Yes, well done!” Only a smooth and consistent flow of the process can produce a harmonious perception in the viewer. Despite the fatigue, none of the participants had given up. On the contrary, the kids have a second wind. They feel that they are getting a lot out of it, and that something special is being born with their participation.
Since July 25th, 2015, the Nuckids team has started rehearsals specifically on the stage where the premiere will take place. The professional venue energizes the young artists even more with its atmosphere of theatrical magic. The scenery has already been transported and installed, sound and light are being set up. Rehearsals are going on all day long. Participants leave the hotel for the theater in the early morning and return late in the evening. The finishing fine-tuning of the entire production is taking place, and, from my observations, successfully. I would like to believe that on July 28th on the Alexandrinsky stage we will witness the birth of a wonderful musical played by talented children of nuclear industry employees.
Artyom Myakinkov specially for