The directive about realization of the Nuckids 2019 has been sighned!
Report on media in Central Europe
Report on media in Hungary
Total amount of publications – 10
1. The international team Nuclear Kids is being prepared in the city of Tolna
Media Name: online newspaper
Date of publication: 19.07.2018
Subscribers: 40,000(month)
The international team NucKids including two school students from Paks has been carrying out rehearsals in the town of Tolna. This year, after a series of rehearsals, the Nuclear Kids will perform a musical about the Russian scientist Lomonosov, which will premiere in Szekszárd.
2. Nuclear Kids international team is being prepared in the city of Szekszárd
Media Name: online newspaper
Date of publication: 19.07.2018
Subscribers: 40,000(month)
On July 6th, the preparatory stage of the X International Creative Project for Children, organized by ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation, started at the rehearsal camp in Hungary.
79 kids including 23 international participants started rehearsals. They represent Belarus, Bangladesh, Great Britain, Hungary, Egypt, India, Kazakhstan, China, Turkey and Croatia. As for the Russian participants, this year they came from 23 cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Zelenogorsk, Zheleznogorsk, Volgodonsk, Novovoronezh, Kurchatov, Sosnovy Bor, Angarsk and many others.
This year’s musical, directed by Vladimir Karabanov, will be called Lomonosov’s Scroll. Due to the fact that this year it is planned to shoot a feature film alongside the preparation of the musical, the duration of the preparatory stage has been increased by several days. Filming will take place in Hungary, Yekaterinburg and Moscow.
As previously reported, the official premiere of the musical will be held on August 4th in the theater of Szekszárd (Hungary). This will be followed by tours to two cities in the Chelyabinsk region. At the invitation of the directors of the enterprises of the Mayak Production Association and All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Of Technical Physics, as well as the heads of the cities, the project participants will show the musical Lomonosov’s Scroll in Ozersk and Snezhinsk. The tour in Ozersk will be dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the company. In Ozersk, the musical will be shown on August 9th at the Our House Drama and Comedy Theater, and in Snezhinsk on August 12th at the Oktyabr Cultural Center. In Moscow, the musical will be shown at the Et Cetera Theater on August 15th and 16th. One of the performances will be dedicated to the participants of the project of the past 10 years, some of them will come to Moscow for this purpose.
You can follow the project news on the website.
For reference:
Nuclear Kids (NucKids) is an annual International Creative Project in which children of employees of Russian nuclear industry enterprises and foreign partners of ROSATOM take part. The main project goals are strengthening social connections between nuclear industry employees children, creating an environment for talented children to implement creativity, and developing new cultural interaction traditions. Annually in summer, 70 talented boys and girls, children of employees of Rosatom enterprises from all over Russia, as well as their peers from other countries, gather together at the rehearsal camp and spend three weeks staging a professional musical performance, which is then toured to Russian cities and abroad by the project team. Famous directors, composers, choreographers and professional teachers work together with children to create the musical. For the entire history of the project such celebrities as Lolita Milyavskaya, Elena Kiper, Dmitry Bikbaev, Aleksey Frandetti, Vladimir Karabanov and many others collaborated with it. The script and music for the musical are original and written specially every year. In 2009 the production was called Nuclear Kids, in 2010 the project participants staged the musical Go and See, in 2011 there was The Bunker of Freedom, in 2012 – Dream Station, in 2013 – We, in 2014 – Labyrinths of Childhood, in 2015 – Ask Rutherford, in 2016 – Imaginers of the XXI century, in 2017 – Just a Summer Rain.
Project has a very long-standing relationship with Hungary. The first time project participants came on tour to this country in 2012: the musical Dream Station was performed in the Hungarian Zánka Children and Youth Center. The following year, the management of the Paks NPP offered to hold the preparatory part of the project in the beautiful town of Keszthely on the shore of Lake Balaton. The tour of the project started and was warmly welcomed by the residents of the nuclear city of Paks. Since then, Hungarian children have been constantly participating in the project. Last year, in addition to Paks, the tour took place in the town of Kalocsa, which will be a satellite town during the construction of the Paks-2 NPP.
3. Lomonosov is the star of the premiere.
Media Name: Regional newspaper Tolnai Népújság
Date of publication: 13.07.2018
Circulation: 177,600(per month)
Lomonosov’s Scroll. This is the name of the musical that will be staged by participants of Rosatom’s creative project for children called Nuclear Kids. Eighty kids from a dozen countries will prove again that nuclear power not only refers to megawatts, but also to friendliness and creativity. The official premiere will take place at the Mihai Babic Culture Center in Szekszárd, on August 4th, at 17:00; admission is free.
The musical play will be staged in just one month, with several daily rehearsals. Eighty school students and over thirty theater art professionals came to Tolna on July 6th and occupied the Tolna Cultural Center and the neighboring Hotel Thelena. The author of the concept of the creative project for children Nuclear Kids Sergey Novikov – the former director of the Communications Department of the State Atomic Energy Corporation – organized the first camp for talented children from nuclear cities in 2009. Later, foreign kids also joined the project. The international format of the project is closely related to Hungary. “After the camp in Keszthely in 2013, the camp in Tolna is the second one fully held in Hungary”, – project coordinator Pavel Pronin told us.
Children aged between 11 and 16 came to Tolna, among them there were Russian, Belarusian, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Indian, Bangladeshi, Turkish, Chinese, British and Croatian schoolchildren. The kids related to the nuclear power industry through their residences and families. A condition for their admission to the team was the ability to move, sing and dance well. “The best candidates had previously passed a serious casting, and then in Tolna artistic directors selected the actors for the main roles in the musical.
Nuclear power plays no role in the project, the main point is making friendships between children from different countries and showing people around the world that even in so-called nuclear cities there are talented totally “usual” children too. It can help changing the mindset of those who are suspicious of nuclear power,” said Pavel Pronin about the international musical project. In one month spent in Tolna, “vacations: will likely mean several rehearsals a day. Though the kids will go on a tour around Budapest, visit Lake Balaton and other sights in Tolna, they will spend most of their time for preparation and participation in rehearsals according to a tightly organized plan. Choreographer Maxim Nedolechko gave an overview of the working process. He said they staged a new performance every year. This year’s play is called Lomonosov’s Scroll, it is a production with both mystics and crime, similar to The Da Vinci Code, and of course it will include a number of scenes with singing and dancing. An exclusive premiere will take place at the Mihai Babic Culture Center in Szekszárd, on August 4th, at 17:00; admission is free. The choreographer also stated that they actually started working on the play two months before the project began and finished it two weeks before arriving in Tolna. The music was composed here, as well as the choreography. The 33-member staff team includes a composer and choreographer in addition to the director, stage designer, makeup artist and others. A feature of this year’s anniversary program is that, in addition to the stage performance, a fiction film – on the same theme as the musical – is also being made and scheduled to be shown later this year.
One of the eighty nuclear kids is the Hungarian Laszlo Kritsky. The 6th grader boy from Paks who took part in the project last year in St. Petersburg and in Hungary as well. Laszlo said he felt good last year and it feels the same this year. The boy is especially happy about the water bottle he received at camp this year. He found a lot of friends, obviously because he could speak Russian and English and communicating for him was not a problem at all.
Denis Ivanenko from Novovoronezh also takes part in the Nuclear Kids project for the second time. He is 15 years old kid from the ninth grade of high school. He also attends singing lessons at a music school and takes part in a local theater group. One of the things he likes about this project is that there is a lot to learn, and the camp gives him the opportunity to work with such artists who help him grow professionally. Last year he even learned to dance, which is not one of his special skills. When we spoke to him, his role in the new play, Lomonosov’s Scroll, was not yet announced. But Denis told us that he would most of all like to play the role of Lomonosov. In this role, you’ll even need to rap.
5. Nuclear Kids rehearsing a musical in Tolna
Media Name: online newspaper
Date of publication: 17.07.2018
Subscribers: 80,000(per month)
In less than a month, a team of eighty schoolchildren, sixteen teachers and a group of more than thirty Russian stage specialists, who arrived in Tolna in the beginning of July, will put a new musical on stage. International Creative Project for Children Nuclear Kids of ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation aims to show that nuclear power not only refers to megawatts, but also to art and friendship. “Lomonosov’s Scroll is the name of the musical, which was created by an international team of more than a hundred people for just one month”, – reported. “Nuclear power is not as important in the project as it is making friendships between children of different nationalities and showing people around the world that even in so-called nuclear cities there are same kids as everywhere, but sometimes even more talented ones. It can help changing the mindset of those who are suspicious of nuclear power,” said to the newspaper Pavel Pronin, the international musical project coordinator. The author of the concept of Nuclear Kids is the former director of the Communications Department of ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation. The main idea of the project is to bring talented schoolchildren living in Russian and foreign nuclear cities together in summer and let them create a real musical with the help of stage specialists. The first event of its kind was in 2009, and this performance is the tenth already. “This year Tolna runs the anniversary project and it is the second time when all the preparations for it take place in Hungary,” added project coordinator Pavel Pronin.
6. International Children’s Creative Camp NucKids in Tolna
Media Name: Radio station Fortuna Rádió
Date of publication: 24.07.2018
Subscribers: 900,000(per month)
International Children’s Creative Program of ROSATOM Nuclear Kids, which celebrates its tenth anniversary, was hosted in Tolna, Hungary this year. Five Hungarian school students as well as children from Russia, India, Egypt, Great Britain and other countries participated in the international camp this year. The project helps talented children from different countries to develop their creativity and linguistic skills. The musical, which will be presented in Szekszárd, is about Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. The title of the musical is Lomonosov’s Scroll. Kids have daily rehearsals, which are carried out in English and Russian. One of the Hungarian camp participants, Domonkosz Rozhai told to our radio: “I feel very good in the camp, there is a great atmosphere and I’ve already made a lot of friends. But I’m not yet sure who I want to be, so my goal in this camp is to gain information and decide.”
7. Nuclear Kids preparing a musical in Tolna
Media Name: Telepaks TV Channel
Date of publication: 24.07.2018
Audience: 1 350 000(per month)
– The international team, Nuclear Kids, inspired by the work of the Russian erudite scientist Lomonosov, is rehearsing a musical in Tolna, and will show it to the public at in the end of the summer.
Tatiana Kern, coordinator:
– This year it is the project’s 10th anniversary, that’s why Communications Department of ROSATOM decided that Hungary will not only provide a screening of the musical but will host the whole camp too. Which means that from July 6th to August 6th, a team of more than 120 kids and project staff will spend time in Tolna.
– The musical will be presented in both Russian and English with the participants from India, China, Great Britain, Russia, Croatia and other countries. All of them will get roles in the musical.
Tatiana Kern, coordinator:
– Each role is tried by three members to decide who is best, and those who do not get chosen take part in dancing, choral singing, backgound scenes, preparing decorations, costumes, depending on their skills. The point is that everyone has something to do.
Just for fun in this performance, kids play the roles of adults.
Vladimir Karabanov, director of the musical
– This is the first time we’ve covered this topic. Our goal is to uncover and show what heritage Lomonosov left to the world as a scientist. We want to portray Lomonosov as a scientific genius like Leonardo da Vinci. There were and still are geniuses in all countries, and we want to share their creativity and heritage with the world in some entertaining way via musicals.
Hungary has been participating in the project for 5 years. Among the last year participants, five were given the opportunity to join the project again this year. And how the roles will be distributed during the selection process, we will know on August 4th at the official premiere at the Babić Culture Center in Szekszárd .