The results of the selection for the NucKids 2020 Project. Winter Tale

Dear friends, Breaking News!

Our creative group has made their choice.

The plan of the project: From December 12th to December 19th, online classes will be held on the website Filming will take place in Moscow from December 20th to 27th

Based on the selection results for the NucKids 2020 Project. Meet the participants of the Winter Tale:

  1. Alexander Azarov
  2. Vasilina Afonina
  3. Elizaveta Balura
  4. Anastasia Boyko
  5. Danil Berezin
  6. Ruslan Byakov
  7. Luka Vershinin
  8. Diana Vershinina
  9. Trofim Gnezdilov
  10. Eva Goryunova
  11. Denis Didenko
  12. Valeria Dmitrienko
  13. Victoria Dudovtseva
  14. Alexandra Eliseeva
  15. Valeria Yesina
  16. Anna Zemskova
  17. Ivan Zuborenko
  18. Anatoly Kachurovsky
  19. Nikolai Kachurovsky
  20. Elizaveta Kovalenko
  21. Olga Lukonina
  22. Alyona Lyuleva
  23. Milan Nikolaeva
  24. Gleb Polivin
  25. Daria Rybakova
  26. Bogdan Saidashev
  27. Mikhail Saltykov
  28. Vladimir Satsuk
  29. Daria Sviridenko
  30. Vasilisa Tegina
  31. Anastasia Fedotova
  32. Diana Khlyamova
  33. Gleb Shemeta
  34. Alexandra Shcheglova


  1. Diana Glushko
  2. Elizaveta Merzlyakova
  3. Polina Mikhailova
  4. Erica Nedolechko
  5. Kristina Sabakar
  6. Victoria Tyurina
  7. Anna Yakubuk