On April 9th, as part of the Easter Joy charity event, the Krasnoyarsk Nuclear Energy Information Center hosted a workshop on decorating Easter eggs.
In Krasnoyarsk, eggs were decorated in the classical technique of artistic painting. The main artists were children – participants of the casting of the International Creative Project for Children NucKids. Their senior “colleagues” – soloists of the Krasnoyarsk Musical Theater Elena Tereshchenko and Maxim Shilov came to help the kids and support the event.
The aim of the action of the charity fund Big Heart by Arguments and Facts newspaper, which was supported by information centers in five regions, is to raise money to help 14-year-old Veronika Bandenkova, who suffers from a severe hereditary disease – cystic fibrosis.
“The importance of the Easter Joy campaign and similar charity projects is enormous. Today we are doing a small but very good deed. I hope that Veronika will feel our support and it will make her feel better,” said Elena Tereshchenko, soloist of the Krasnoyarsk Musical Theater.
During the workshop, the theater soloists were able to talk to aspiring artists – the participants of the NucKids casting. “How to cope with anxiety?” – to this most important and frequently asked question of the kids, soloist Maxim Shilov answered that he has no secret recipe, he still gets excited every time before going on stage.
“The main thing is that good, productive excitement does not turn into panic, which can get in the way. Maxim wished everyone a successful audition and advised not to worry too much.
At the end of the workshop, the kids from Zelenogorsk and Zheleznogorsk decided to pass messages for Veronika:
“Wish you all the most magical things, true love, good health, great happiness and faithful friends by your side. With love, Dasha Antonyuk, Zelenogorsk.”
“Good luck and happiness! Artem Titov.”
“I wish you a river of smiles, a sea of joyful emotions, and an ocean of good dreams. We all support you! These Easter eggs are a sign that we are all one family, and it does not matter whether we are relatives or not. Sobol.”
“Never give up! Maxim Kazakov.”
Small masterpieces created by children and adults in Krasnoyarsk will be put up for the auction at ROSATOM. All the money raised from the sale of Easter eggs painted by children will be donated by the Big Heart Foundation to purchase a vibration jacket, which Veronika needs.
The project Big Heart of the Arguments and Facts’ Charity Foundation helps seriously ill children and the disabled. In 2013 alone, the fund raised 79 million rubles, thanks to which it was possible to save and make a full-quality life of 412 people.
NucKids is the International Creative Project for Children of the Communications Department of the ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation, which annually brings together talented children of nuclear industry employees from Russia and Rosatom’s foreign partners to stage a bright musical show. The project aims to strengthen friendly ties between children of nuclear industry employees from different countries, develop creative skills of talented children, and popularize nuclear energy among the younger generation.