1.1. Children on the project are distributed into teams according to their age, in one team there are 10 to 15 people.
1.2. Division of children by teams is carried out by the project leaders.
1.3. During the project period, a counselor appointed by the project leaders is responsible for the team.
1.4. The counselors organize sports and cultural events, supervise the living conditions and are responsible for the safety of the children.
1.5. A medical worker is responsible for the health of the project participants.
2. General rules of project participants’ behavior:
2.1. It is necessary to follow the daily routine, general sanitary and hygienic norms (to wash, comb hair, take a shower, dress according to the weather, etc.)
2.2. Each participant of the project is obliged to observe all the project rules, including fire safety rules, rules of conduct and safety during swimming (in indoor and outdoor swimming pools, lakes, rivers and seas), rules during excursions, hikes, rules of transportation in buses, trains and airplanes, etc.
2.3. The participant is obliged to be always together with the team, if he/she is not busy at the rehearsal or master class. If it is necessary to leave, it is obligatory to get permission from his or her counselor or a senior counselor.
2.4. Leaving the territory of stay is allowed only with the permission of the project leaders and in accordance with the procedure established by the project leaders.
2.5. The project participant shall take care of the green areas on the territory of stay and keep clean.
2.6. It is not allowed to eat food that was not permitted by the counselor during the meal and food purchased by the participants themselves, without the counselor’s permission
2.7. If a participant feels unwell, he/she should immediately inform the counselor or the project doctor, or in their absence, any project staff member.
2.8. The project participant shall observe the rules of conduct in public places.
2.9. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited on the project.
2.10. Personal and project property shall be treated with care.
3. Fire safety rules.
3.1. It is necessary to be familiar with the evacuation plan of the project and its locations. In case of fire signs, leave the building immediately and inform any project staff member.
3.2. Flammable items should be deposited with the counselors.
3.3. Do not touch slack, protruding wires. Any such wires should be reported immediately to the counselors or, in their absence, to any project staff member.
4. Rules of conduct during swimming
4.1. Swimming is permitted in water reservoirs or pools under the supervision of counselors.
4.2. Entering and leaving the water is done on the signal of a counselor.
4.3. Each participant shall have a hat, towel, bathing suit.
4.4. Swimming is organized in groups of up to 15 people.
4.5. The project participants are prohibited to dive and jump from the pool side, to use snorkel, to give false warning signals, to push and wrestle in the water.
5. Rules of conduct during mass events
5.1. During mass events, the project participant shall observe the rules of conduct in public places and stay together with the team. It is allowed to leave only in the company of a counselor.
5.2. Project participants attend events wearing appropriate clothing and footwear, hats are compulsory.
6. Rules of conduct of the project participants during bus tours
6.1. The project participants board the bus at the command of the counselor, according to the lists.
6.2. It is not allowed to stand and walk on the bus during the bus movement. It is not allowed to stick out of the window and put your hands out of the window.
6.3. In case of sudden braking it is necessary to hold on to the handrails.
6.4. If you feel unwell, report immediately to the counselors or, in their absence, to any member of the project staff.
6.5. Get up only after the bus has come to a complete stop when instructed to do so by a counselor.
6.6. You shall not go out on the roadway or run across the street on your own.
6.7. All bus tour participants shall wear seat belts before the bus begins to move.
7. Rules of conduct during walking tours (excursions and hikes)
7.1. Project participants are allowed to take a walking tour wearing the appropriate dress code as determined by the counselor.
7.2. The counselor is in charge of the bus tours and hikes. The instructions of the counselor are strictly followed by the project participants
7.3. During a walk, excursion or camping trip, you shall stay with the team. It is not allowed to go off the route, to approach electric wires, unfenced edges of ravines, gorges, cliffs.
7.4. Any deterioration in health shall be reported immediately to the counselors or, in their absence, to any project staff member.
7.5. Respect local traditions and customs, respect the nature, historical and cultural monuments.
7.6. Shopping in the store is allowed only with the permission of the counselor.
7.7. When crossing the road, obey the traffic rules and follow the instructions of the counselor.
8. Rules of conduct during trips on water vehicles
8.1. Boarding and disembarking from a boat, motorboat, etc. is allowed only on the instruction of a counselor. Before boarding and after disembarking, it is necessary to gather at a certain place indicated by the counselor.
8.2. It is not allowed to run on the boat, bend over the railing, play motion games, open the service and exit doors.
8.3. In case of health deterioration, the counselors or, in their absence, any project staff member shall be notified immediately.
8.4. It is allowed to leave the place of disembarking from the boat only at the instruction of a counselor.
9. Rules of conduct on the train or plane
9.1. The project participant shall take his/her seat;
9.2. Follow the rules indicated by the flight attendants;
9.3. Keep quiet and do not create difficulties for other passengers and transport workers;
9.4. Follow the rules of personal hygiene;
9.5. Observe the rules of fire safety;
9.6. In case of health deterioration, immediately report to the counselors or, in their absence, to any project staff member.
10. Reasons for which a child (teenager) may be expelled from the project:
10.1. Gross violation of self-safety measures, including unauthorized departure from the project area, independent swimming without permission.
10.2. Gross violation of internal regulations and fire safety rules.
10.3. Extortion, threats, theft.
10.4. Moral or physical harm to other project participants and staff.
10.5. Smoking.
10.6. Consumption of alcoholic beverages of any strength, use of narcotic or potent toxic substances.
10.7. Material damage to project property and places of stay.
10.8. Detection of chronic diseases in a child concealed by parents.
11. Parents who send a child (teenager) are responsible:
11.1. For violation of the project stay rules.
11.2. For damage caused to the project property or property of other persons.
11.3. For physical harm caused to the health of other persons.
12. Disciplinary penalties
12.1. The penalty is a measure of responsibility established by the project for a disciplinary offense committed by a project participant and is applied to prevent the occurrence of disciplinary offenses.
12.2. The following types of disciplinary penalties may be applied to participants for a disciplinary offense:
12.2.1 – reprimand;
12.2.2 – deprivation of visiting the excursion;
12.3 For gross and systematic violations of discipline:
12.3.1 -deprivation of role;
12.3.2 – expulsion from the project.